Saturday, September 28, 2013


I wrote these thoughts yesterday:

Earlier this year, I was mowing the yard twice a week because we had a wet spring.
Since July 1st we have had no rain and the ground is cracking in places and hard as a rock. 

The grass is not growing, or even breathing.  It looks dead.  The weeds have sprouted up here and there, but the grass is brown.

This is becoming a serious draught for central Illinois.  I was watering plants until the past few weeks, but no longer.  We are now conserving water.  Living in the country and relying on a well, one has to be careful with water consumption. 

I might quit doing dishes too.............and bathing, and brushing my teeth. 
I might have to drink beer, or wine instead of water.  Hmmm, sounds good to me.
Will you do a little rain dance for us, please?  Get jiggy with it.

Tonight I wrote:

YOU DID IT!  Tonight IT IS RAINING!  Your rain dance worked!  Thank you for gettin' on it!
We are having a nice, easy rain.  We even used the windshield wipers driving home tonight.

Finally, the sound of rain in the gutters.

I must crawl into bed now.  Goodnight.  Zzzzzz

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