Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Mud Fest?  How can anyone find mud around here?  We have not had any rain in over a month and the ground is cracking open.  I grabbed my camera and decided to check out the mud fest.

This cardboard sign was nailed to a telephone pole.
The streets signs below are real.  I am not making them up.  They are posted on a telephone pole.

                                 This is the newer sign.  It has it's own post!

I was walking up the road and sure enough....this is mud.  I am going the right way.

Oh my.....................chocolate covered children.

                                         This truck is pretty muddy and the guys were too.

  The white truck is known as "The Beast" and there are 3 guys sitting on the sofa as they four wheel through the mud.  I kid you not.

It was nearly dark and the chocolate covered children were hosing off in the yard.

Is that duct tape on her ankle? 
I know you are thinking I staged this.  I did not.
The folks here had cleared some land behind their house.  They dug a ditch with a tractor and decided to haul in water and play in the mud.  They had kids, trucks, 4 wheelers, dogs, kinfolk, and me there watching.

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