Friday, September 6, 2013


My friend has a wide variety of pets which she takes places for special visits.
This day she came to the John Evans Center in Pekin, IL.
This is Joey, and he is a rodent from Argentina.  I'm sorry I can't say, pronounce, or spell what Joey is.  But he is very cute and loves to lay in the grass and be petted.
This is a beautiful, huge turtle.  He tried to nuzzle everyone through his fence.
People petted his green head and hard shell.

The kids loved to cuddle with this guy.

The pony just snoozed.  She loved to have her back scratched. 

All the animals were outside.  However, I thought you might like to know about something inside the facility.

I find it interesting that all the residents decorate their doors.  They put personal items next to their entry door.   It helps them to find their room.  They spot their flowers or picture and know they made it to their room.  Residents with poor vision find this helpful.

I find it interesting that most people bring flowers or garden decorations.

                                                      In all shapes and mediums.

This impressed upon me how important gardens are to people.

                             These items hold a special memory.  I wonder what this story is? 

                                        This little guy was probably a loved family dog.

                                                This person has a sense of humor!

                                            Someone believes in angels watching over us.

                                    And this little lady loves bright colors and Dalmatians! 

Through our entire lives, nature brings us joy.
Enjoy your day.

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