Saturday, September 28, 2013


Two years ago I had the driveway resurfaced because it had deteriorated so badly. 

Lately, it was looking faded and cracked.  I have applied the coating myself, in the past, but this time I let the professionals put a seal coat of oil on the asphalt.  They have access to the industrial coatings which seal better and also look better.  They gave it a face lift.
                        Didn't they make it look nice?  Hm, maybe I should try a seal coat?
                        It might fill in my cracks and crevices. 
The yellow tape across the entrance was to keep cars off the driveway.
Well, it did not keep the cats off, as you can see below.
A little kitty walked over the drive, then sat herself down on the front steps.
Don't worry,  she was ok after walking in the oil.  We washed her paws.
 See her paw prints going up the stairs?  It is there to stay my friends.
Yes, it smells the first day.  The dogs were inside while they worked.  I did not want to expose them to the smell or the noisy equipment.  I'm sure the inside cats slept in a pile of covers somewhere, and the chickens and bunnies were far from the action. 

                      If I had done this, there would be splatters all over the house and gravel. 
                                               Nice job guys!  See you in a couple years.


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