Friday, June 14, 2013


Good morning.  The sun is shining, it is 70 degrees, and it is Friday!
The weeks go by twice as fast in summer, why is that?
Last Saturday D. and I went to the Peoria, IL Garden Tour.  I wore my straw hat and most colorful outfit.  D. wore a bright orange shirt and tan pants.  Of course it matters what you wear to a garden tour.  All the plants are watching you parade past.
A close up of the leaves. 
You are so beautiful.  What is it like to be beautiful?
I only know what it's like to be full.
                                                   Lotsa Hosta

Is this a glass blown object that resembles a hummingbird feeder or
the sacred orb of Orbitus.  I'm just guessing you know.

    Hand dug steps to the center of the earth.

Remember spinning tops?  We played with them as kids.  Well older people than me did.

Local artist's steel figures.

Tri-colored Birch tree.

          Love this chunky mulch mamma.  This would not decompose too quickly.  I must try it.

This awesome compost pile is hand made and well used.
It was nice and dirty.  Loved it.

Neat trellis.
I took so many pictures that I am posting the tour in three phases.
#2 will appear before you wake up tomorrow.  That is, if you sleep til noon like I do.
Carry on.

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