Monday, June 17, 2013


Today we went to my dear friend, Patty's, to pick cherries.  We packed up our plastic containers, some white trash bags, and the 6 foot ladder and drove to her house.  Patty and I have been friends for 47 years.  My gosh can that be right?  2013-1966, 6 from 13 is 7 and is correcto mungo.

We go way back to the Monkeys, Paul Revere and the Raiders, and go-go boots.

She and her husband planted this Montmorency Cherry tree when they moved into their home over 25 years ago.  It produces nice cherries every other year.  Lucky for me, my friend has a  cherry tree.
I planted one but it is just a baby right now.  It had three cherries this year.

Just look at the beautiful cherries.

This is my cherry picking buddy.
Why are the best cherries always at the top of the tree?

I am deathly afraid of heights.  I set the bowl on the ladder and when it got full I dumped the fruit into the white bag.  We started at 1:50 pm and finished at 2:30 pm.  It was fun.  We got to talk, and the birds dive bombed us, and there was a nice breeze.  And I did not fall off the ladder.

Patty has this cool play house in the back yard.
Her kids are grown but her nieces play in it.
Notice the cool swinging bridge to the left.
My bowl is full, my feet hurt, this is plenty of cherries.
I can't wait to make a pie.  We should buy ice cream on the way home!
Here comes Max.  Want a cherry Max?


I noticed this awesome pot on their front porch.  Love the angel with a wand in her hand.

If I get time tomorrow, I might run over for more cherries.
I would like to freeze some.
We passed by the DQ as we left town.   2 Root Beer floats please.....slurp.

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