Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Occasionally, I take the longer route to work which takes me through the farmlands.
I love this drive in the summer when the corn is growing and the old orange lilies are blooming along the roadside.
I pass by a two story, white, farmhouse with this man working in the garden.  He is there day and night, rain or shine.  He never moves, he just "hangs out" in the garden.
Mr. Scarecrow, is his name.
I have tried, in the past, to make a scarecrow but they never look this good.
There is some skill involved that I do not have.
This old guy watches over a garden in town.  He has had a few beers from the looks of his beer belly.
Notice the cool duct tape belt.

My friend, Jeremy, has Mr. Unibrow in his garden.   One of his friends ended up with a bale of straw and they decided to make a scarecrow.  I think they also had a few beers that night.

                                       They stapled his arms to the wooden frame.  OUCH!

See the nice rows of plants growing under his feet?  Wait a minute, he has no feet.

Across the yard from Mr. Unibrow is this lovely goddess.  He has his eye on her.

Did you know the Romans, Greeks, Italians, Indians, and Martians all used scarecrows?
Well, maybe all of the above except one.............
In some cultures, old men actually sat in chairs in the garden and hooted and hollered at the birds that flew in.  They threw rocks to keep crows out of the corn.
I've been known to hoot and holler a few nights myself.
But not at the crows.


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