Tuesday, June 18, 2013


We are trying to find the name tag for this hosta, and I just know it is here somewhere.
I save all the tags.  Plus, when I purchase a plant I write the name in my Garden File on the computer.
If I'm really with it, I write down where I planted it and the date.  However, I'm not sure about these two hosta names.
This one is Big something.  Big Foot, or Big Daddy or Big Big.
I'm just not sure.  But this picture was taken in early May about a week after it began to erupt from it's warm earthling bed.
It is about a foot tall.

This week the leaves are THIS BIG!  It is at least 3 feet tall.
My fingers are 3 inches long so this hosta leaf is over a foot in diameter (or 4 fingers)

Here is the current view and Big Big is on the left of the shed.  The hosta to the right of the shed is pictured below when it was a week old in May.  It is now close to 9 fingers tall.

This was the 3 feet tall one as it began to grow in May.  Just sprouts.
This is a transplanted hosta that is more "normal normal" than Big Big.
It is 2 1/2 fingers wide.  Doesn't everyone measure this way? 


So the 'rule of thumb, or thumb of rule, of measuring hosta is to use your fingers and toes and a foot or two, or a shin bone.  Just wait until we start to measure 'grasshoppers'!
Cha cha cha.

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