Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Good  Morning Sunshine.  All this yellow makes me feel butter, I mean better.
I get so excited when there is a new burst of color in the garden, and this is definitely "bursty."
These lovely Asian Lillies are two years old.  They are planted in full sun and love it there.
I read that lilies need to be divided every three years or the bulbs begin to grow abnormally.
I think I have an Asian Lily growth on my body, but that's another story.

This variety is only sixteen inches tall.  Others grow up to four feet tall.
After they bloom just pull off the wilted petals.  I make a wish and throw them over my shoulder for good luck.  Or you can collect them all and bury them in a safe place for no reason at all.
                           That's the beauty of gardening - you can do whatever you like.

                                 On the left is a Harakah shrub.  I love the silver leaves it has. 

                                                                 X-TRA LARGE!

Here I trimmed back the spent Iris that bloomed last month.
The stalks will nourish the roots until fall, or longer, or until Turkey Day, or even the first blue moon of Kentucky............

Gosh, I have not blogged in a few days due to my work schedule.  I really missed this.
It's hard to hold in my excitement, so I'll just fade off into the sunset. 

                                                      Bloom where you are planted.


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