Thursday, June 13, 2013


Our dream is to have a hoop house.  So in my opinoin, this is the coolest garden I have seen around Pekin.  It is manicured better than I am.
Speaking of manicures I really need one.  My nails are split and dirt is hiding under all 16 of them.  (that includes some toes)

As I was saying, this man knows how to garden.  He is also a non-drinker because his rows are straight as an arrow.  He also prays because he is on his knees all day long.   See what a garden says about a man?

He built this beautiful hoop house.  I snuck around it one Sunday morning and took some pictures, while he was in church praying.
See the mulch in the beds, the asparagus growing, some green rye paths.
Look at these luscious red strawberries.  Can you smell them?

Looks like someone did taste one.  A bird stole a few and dropped one in the rocks of the driveway.


This clever gardener deer proofed his garden.  Above the fence row he added electric fence to keep the deer out.

It works, because these are the deer tracks all the way around the garden fence.  I bet their mouths were drooling when they saw the strawberries. 
This deer print is mine.   

              He has layed a barrier material to protect the 'maters'.

Such pretty shades of green.

Herb's garden, or is it herb garden.

That concludes our tour today.  Please exit to the left, it is ok to leave your valuables, I'll take care of them.  Hope you enjoyed the tour.

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