Thursday, June 6, 2013


For goodness snakes.....................but in my opinion there is nothing good about a snake.
Yes, they have their place in nature, but I really do not want them under my feet when I am working.

Tonight I worked on hauling the wood Dennis cut.  I  pushed it around with the tractor as it was buried in the tall grass.  Then I started throwing the limbs into the bucket to haul away.

I lifted a limb from the dirt and found this little wound up, striped creature.

Right next to it was his friend.

It was almost dark and these fellas had just coiled up for the night.
Snug as a snake in a.........cake..........on a rake. 
I am proud of myself for not screaming bloody murder this time.
Usually I squeal and run.

The camera was handy, because I had hoped to get a pic of the cute little humming bird tonight, but it also went to bed early.  Snug as a bird in a herd......  Once I start I can not stop....until I drop.

Can you see the little wiggler?  He really blends in with the grass and twigs.  This one remains still.

But this one takes off under the big log in a few seconds.
Eww, he is 120 feet long!

And they lived happily ever after.  I just hope I do not have bad dreams tonight because of this trauma to my central nervous system.   I am deathly afraid of snakes, always was, always will be, until death do us part.  Amen.

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