Sunday, June 16, 2013


Traveling from house to house on a garden tour you become familiar with other nature lovers.
I love to stroll and pick up conversations as they evaluate and enjoy the gardens.  I always learn a few things too.  Like where they just had lunch, or why she is mad at her husband.  You get the picture.

Speaking of pictures.  Here is more garden art from the local artists.  Very unique.

Love this covered corner of the deck.


A rivulet on a hillside.  I love this word, rivulet.  I feel so knowledgeable when I say it.
Another cool word is 'rill'.  A rill is the beginning of a rivulet.  That's not much help is it?
You might want to google this, or you might not.  I learned of it in a stone landscape book.
I'll give you a hint, it has to do with water, and drainage.

Love this deep gorge in the river valley.

Butterfly house.
This garden was very formal with beautiful stone planters and pathways.

In the back yard they built this wonderful pergola.
As you walk the paths there are speakers playing lovely music.
I want this!

Their boundary line of natural fence.

Up lighting.

Nice color combinations.

Cross pieces on the pergola offer more shade and an architectural element.

Have a seat, let's talk about your husband.  Lie down if you like.

One more garden to visit.  This home was nestled in a valley well hidden behind established subdivisions.  Very Zen.
Unique trees.

The monster from the bottom of the sea.

This bubbler adds to the serenity.

Another bubbler.

Driving away we saw this beautiful landscape at a neighboring home,

                                                          along with the life size deer.

 Time for a mocha latte at our favorite coffee shop.
It was a mini vacation today.  We loved the tour. 

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