Saturday, June 15, 2013


We drove to the next house on the Peoria Garden Tour. There is the familiar arrowed sign telling us to turn here at the beautiful red roses and purple salvia.   Turn right Dennis!  I can't wait to get there.
This is the place.  Look at the hosta display. 
Do you think these are real artificial?  The margins are perfect.
I wish I could put my eyeliner on this straight. 

Birds pray too you know. 

This yard had some elements that children enjoy.

I was a kid once.  I can still relate.

They made their own chimes!  A tea kettle and hanging spoons and tea ball!
Very original!

The sign speaks for this picture.

Elf at work.....................I want his job.

Pretty pretty.

Rooster Roy

This hand cut steel structure is the work of local artist Gene "Geno" Mialkowski.
You can reach him at

Another piece.
Garden artifacts:  watering can and push lawn mower.
 I mowed the yard with this kind of mower back in 1864, or 1684, or 1486.

 SLOW, garden tour in progress.  Do you feel ok little fella?
You are a little green behind the gills.

We then left this home and drove to the next garden display.
More to come, stay tuned.

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