Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Twice a week I take an arthritis swim class at the local YWCA.
Our teacher mentioned she has a Hummingbird nest in her maple tree.
We chatted after class and made arrangements for me to stop by after work to take pictures.

 She noticed the nest because the mother bird was flying up to the branch so often. This picture is magnified. The actual nest is the size and color of a walnut. It seems to be made of threads, and fine material such as dryer lint. There are no birds visible today, unfortunately. However, I was thrilled to see it and now I know what to look for in our trees.

Her back yard was such a surprise.  She lives on a busy subdivision road but the back yard is paradise.  There was a doe eating grass in the back of the yard.

Her grand kids planted this with toys from their toy box.

Look at this twisted vine with two old porch railings to the side.

Gnarly branches. 

Perfectly shaped.

Her husband built this wheel barrel for her.

Nice guy!

Kniphofia, also knows as Red Hot Poker, or Fire Stick.

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