Friday, June 21, 2013


I was behind in some lawn maintenance.
April and May is usually when we apply Crabgrass Preventer in Illinois.
2013 has not been usual.
We had record rainfall and the temperature stayed cool into June.
I just did not get around to doing my lawn care until now. 
I am a failure, a putz, an agricultural abomination.
Even worse, I use the cheap stuff, but this works really well.
I only apply it in the front yard.  The dogs run the back yard where we do not spray or treat.  Now I can check this "to do" off my list.
Miracle Gro is an amazing product.  Best of all it is reasonably priced.
Second, it is a beautifyl color.  Third, it works!

If you don't have flowers just fill a vase with it and set it on the table!
It looks great with a yellow table cloth!
Mix 5 scoops into a 5 gallon bucket and stir, or swish,

I measure into a can first so I do not spill.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.

This looks like toilet bowl water................hmmm.

I use a watering can to pour it onto my flowers.

Just pour it into a can or two.

Walk around the garden visiting all the plants and asking if they might like a sip.  These herbs are very excited to try some.  They have been a little droopy.
I swear on my great uncle's thrice removed grave, that Miracle Grow works overnight.
The next day the petunias were dancing and singing and growing.

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