Sunday, June 9, 2013


This morning I got up early to enjoy the solitude on the patio.  Dennis and his stepdaughter, Pam, came for breakfast.  Pam even brought my coffee cup to the patio.  She spoils me.
Back to my story.  Pam had on white pants and I was afraid the dogs would rub against her.
She changed into some shorts and came back to the patio to soak up more solitude.  I looked at her legs and started laughing, then Dennis started laughing.  You can see why. 
These are my legs, barefoot and fancy free.  Well, not free, because my right knee is now worth about $60,135.29.  It is a Shimmer if you are interested.  Made of Titanium. 
 The left knee is 58 years old and getting rusty.

These are Jessie's legs.  My  cousin told me a dog that crosses its front legs is a sign of royalty in the bloodline.  (notice my legs were crossed too)

Jamie is a leaner which reminds me of the song, "Lean On Me".
Her legs are solid as fence posts.

We ate some eggs, hash browns and raisin bread toast.
The dogs got a slice of toast too.
Thank you Lord for this beautiful day.

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